Sabasaba Grounds, Matarawe Street CCM, Songea Block C in room number 2
+255 655 547 868
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Partnerships with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and Community Based Organizations (CBOs) help deliver services, enrich democratic processes, and meet constituent needs in the areas where EILI works

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and CBOs are critical change agents in promoting economic growth, environmental conservation, human rights and social progress. EILI partners with NGOs, CBOs, public institutions and private sector to deliver assistance across all sectors in which we work and to promote inclusive economic growth, strengthen health and education at the community level, support civil society in democratic reforms and assist communities recovering from disasters.

We seek to mobilize the expertise, capacity and knowledge of NGOs, CBOs, public institutions and private sector in a wide variety of ways to achieve our development objectives, contribute and advance community development. We work with international and local NGOs and their networks to support in-country programs and strengthen their capacity to achieve their missions. Among the types of stakeholders that the EILI partners with are:

Community Based Organizations (Mzumbe Ward CBOs).

EILI supports CBOs and individual persons in their efforts to build cooperative organizations that collectively contribute to development. We work with local organizations in developing and strengthen their capacity, build effective and long-term partnerships, and reduce the need for dependance over time to manage and administer resources and programs through their own resources. Additionally, we support CBOs to improve the legal, fiscal, and political environment for them to protect and promote civil society and civic participation. EILI works to improve the managerial and advocacy capabilities of 60 CBOs in the Mzumbe Ward, helping to deepen the roots of democracy, financial management and fund raising

Education institutions

EILI partners with education institutions on innovative programming in areas from entrepreneurship to governance, and from education to gender and women’s issues.

Mzumbe University Tanzania Currently we work with Mzumbe University as a source of technical support in terms of training facilitation and coordination. Mzumbe University as well do share their candidates who wish take their field and research studies as partial requirements for their courses
Brandeis University USA (Research and publications)
  • EILI participated in crucial research studies in Tanzania including “The Cost-effectiveness of durable wall liner and indoor residual spraying to prevent malaria in Kenya and Tanzania” in 2016 funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the USAID TRAction project
  • The Community engagement around the implementation of trial of insecticide-treated wall lining for malaria control in rural Tanzania in 2017 with NIMR Muheza;
  • Participation on the 28th Annual Joint Scientific Conference Dar es Salaam, Tanzania April 22-24, 2014 on Household expenditures for malaria treatment from a population-based survey: Presented at on behalf of Donald S. Shepard and co-authors Heller school for Social Policy and Management Brandeis University Waltham, MA, United States;
  • EILI worked with RTI on the Tanzania Vector Control Scale-up Project: Spray Performance, Contract No. 621-A-00-10-00015-00 March 9, 2010–March 8, 2015 Lake Zone in Tanzania;
  • Jointly, EILI took part on Novel Sustainable Approaches to Mosquito Management Through Attract and Kill Techniques, in Socio-economic surveys to assess on knowledge, attitudes and practices on malaria and other mosquito-borne diseases. The project will also assess gender and livelihoods factors that influence implementation of malaria control activities at household level.
  • Published a journal with Brandeis University to BMC Public Health on 19 February 2021” On the cost-effectiveness of insecticide-treated wall liner and indoor residual spraying as additions to insecticide treated bed nets to prevent malaria: findings from cluster randomized trials in Tanzania” 2021/09/14 2015 (NCT02533336).10.1186/s12889-021-11671-2 BMC Public Health
Secondary Schools Mlali Secondary school and Mongola secondary school are centers for training delivery to young generation. Typically, environmental conservation knowledge, democracy, human rights, HIV/AIDS, Gender issues, antenatal health care, and life skills. Discussions, interviews, debate and brochures distributions are most used mechanism in secondary schools.

Local Non-Governmental Organizations

Childhood Development Organization (CDO-NGO)

EILI worked with CDO in enabling children and communities to enjoy basic rights and needs. Empowering the disadvantaged children with basic needs for their childhood and proper development through community engagement. Successful interventions on education, health, nutrition, poverty alleviation, economic empowerment, credit scheme, HIV/AIDs information dissemination, home based counselling, prevention care and support orphanage care.

Songea Mississippi (SOMI NGO)

EILI identify and co-invest in high-impact social partners who will scale innovative community developments models in areas such as education, water and food security.

  • In Songea, Ruvuma region, EILI partnered with SOMI NGO to engage men and women in addressing the regions rate of sexual abuse and self-employment skills. Through EILI’s and SOMIs support, the NGO reached more than 80 communities and provided services to close to 300 women affected by gender-based violence and income generating activities
  • Following recovery efforts to improve agriculture sector, EILI has been working through local authorities and , formal organized groups to strengthen individuals economy, build the capacity of local communities, improve democratic processes and the rule of law, and raise living standards to support long-term development and stability.